Collateral Constraints and Asset Prices
We study the effects of collateral constraints in an economy populated by investors with nonpledgeable labor incomes and heterogeneous preferences and...
Ties that Bind: How Business Connections Affect Mutual Fund Activism
Journal of Finance, 71(6), 2933-2966.
The Anatomy of the CDS Market
Using novel position and trading data for single-name corporate credit default swaps (CDSs), we provide evidence that CDS markets emerge as...
What is the Expected Return on a Stock?
We derive a formula that expresses the expected return on a stock in terms of the risk-neutral variance of the market and the stock’s excess risk...
The Anatomy of the CDS Market
Using novel position and trading data for single-name corporate credit default swaps (CDSs), we provide evidence that CDS markets emerge as...
Learning in Crowded Markets
We study how competition among investors affects the efficiency of capital allocation, the speed of capital, and welfare. In our model, investors...
Informational Black Holes in Financial Markets
We study how efficient primary financial markets are in allocating capital when information about investment opportunities is dispersed across market...
Curse of the Benchmarks
Obsession with short-term performance against market cap benchmarks preordains the dysfunctionality of asset markets. The problems start when trustees...
What is the expected return on the market?
This paper presents a new lower bound on the equity premium in terms of a volatility index, SVIX, that can be calculated from index option prices...
Synthetic or Real? The Equilibrium Effects of Credit Default Swaps on Bond Markets
Review of Financial Studies, 28 (12): 3303-3337.
Information Asymmetries, Volatility, Liquidity and the Tobin Tax
Information asymmetries and trading costs, in a financial market model with dynamic information, generate a self-exciting equilibrium price process...