A tug of war: Overnight versus intraday expected returns
Journal of Financial Economics, 134 (1), 192-213.
Information Acquisition with Heterogeneous Valuations
We study the market for a risky asset with heterogeneous valuations. Agents seek to learn about their own valuation by acquiring private information...
Clients’ Connections
We propose a new measure of private information in decentralised markets – connections – defined as the number of dealers with whom a client trades in...
The Efficient IPO Market Hypothesis: Theory and Evidence
We derive the optimal underwriting method and the quantitative IPO pricing rule that this method implies in a market with informational frictions...
Bank Resolution and the Structure of Global Banks
The Review of Financial Studies, 32(6), 2384–2421.
Sentiment and speculation in a market with heterogeneous beliefs
We present a dynamic model featuring risk-averse investors with heterogeneous beliefs. Individual investors have stable beliefs and risk aversion, but...
Financial Transaction Taxes and the Informational Efficiency of Financial Markets: A Structural Estimation
We develop a new methodology to estimate the impact of a financial transaction tax (FTT) on informational efficiency, liquidity and volatility. In our...
Financial Markets Where Traders Neglect the Informational Content of Prices
Journal of Finance, 74 (1), 371-399.
Trading and Arbitrage in Cryptocurrency Markets
We study the efficiency, price formation and segmentation of cryptocurrency markets. We document large, recurrent arbitrage opportunities in...
Heterogeneous Global Cycles
Why do countries differ in terms of their exposure to fluctuations in the global supply of credit? We argue that frictions in global intermediation...
Cryptocurrencies: Financial stability and fairness
Cryptocurrencies are primarily held today for speculative reasons and see little economic use outside of that. This column argues that if private...
Turning Alphas into Betas: Arbitrage and the Cross-section of Risk
What determines the cross-section of betas with respect to a risk factor? The act of arbitrage plays an important role. If the capital of arbitrageurs...
Does Herding Behavior Reveal Skill? An Analysis of Mutual Fund Performance
Journal of Finance, 73 (5), 2229-2269.