Research highlights
Influential research by members of the Financial Markets Group has been published in some of the most recognised international journals in Economics and Finance, such as the American Economic Review, Econometrica, the Journal of Finance, the Journal of Financial Economics, the Journal of Political Economy, the Quarterly Journal of Economics, the Review of Economic Studies, and the Review of Financial Studies. A sample of recent papers is below.
Research highlight
Unbundling Quantitative Easing: Taking a Cue from Treasury Auctions
Journal of Political Economy, 132 (9), 3115-3172
Research highlight
The Gender Gap in Household Bargaining Power: A Revealed-Preference Approach
The Review of Financial Studies, hhae039
Research highlight
High-frequency trading in the stock market and the costs of options market making
Journal of Financial Economics, 159, 103900
Research highlight
A Theory of Socially Responsible Investment
The Review of Economic Studies, rdae048
Research highlight
Scale or Yield? A Present-Value Identity
The Review of Financial Studies, 37(3), 950–988
Research highlight
Personality differences and investment decision-making
Journal of Financial Economics, 153, 103776
Research highlight
CEO compensation: Evidence from the field
Journal of Financial Economics, 150 (3), 103718
Research highlight
Cleansing by tight credit: Rational cycles and endogenous lending standards
Journal of Financial Economics, 150(1), 46-67
Research highlight
Informational Black Holes in Financial Markets
Journal of Finance, 78 (6), 3099-3140
Research highlight
Why Do Boards Exist? Governance Design in the Absence of Corporate Law
Review of Financial Studies, 36 (5),1788–1836
Research highlight
Corporate Capture of Blockchain Governance
Review of Financial Studies, 36 (4), 1364–1407
Research highlight
Dynamic Asset-Backed Security Design
The Review of Economic Studies, 90(6), 3282–3314
Research highlight
The Impact of Risk Cycles on Business Cycles: A Historical View
The Review of Financial Studies, 36(7), 2922–2961
Research highlight
Bayesian Solutions for the Factor Zoo: We Just Ran Two Quadrillion Models
Journal of Finance, 78 (1), 487-557
Research highlight
Asset Management Contracts and Equilibrium Prices
Journal of Political Economy, 130(12), 3146-3201
Research highlight
Financial transaction taxes and the informational efficiency of financial markets: A structural estimation
Journal of Financial Economics 146(3), 1044-1072
Research highlight
Measuring the welfare cost of asymmetric information in consumer credit markets
Journal of Financial Economics, 146 (3), 821-840
Research highlight
Multi-asset Noisy Rational Expectations Equilibrium with Contingent Claims
The Review of Economic Studies, 89 (5), 2445–2490
Research highlight
Sentiment and Speculation in a Market with Heterogeneous Beliefs
American Economic Review, 112 (8), 2465-2517
Research highlight
Heterogeneous Global Booms and Busts
American Economic Review, 112 (7), 2178-2212
Research highlight
Central Bank Swap Lines: Evidence on the Lender of Last Resort
The Review of Economic Studies, 89(4), 1654–1693
Research highlight
Market efficiency in the age of big data
Journal of Financial Economics, 145(1), 154-177
Research highlight
Ripples into waves: Trade networks, economic activity, and asset prices
Journal of Financial Economics, 145(1), 217-238
Research highlight
Comomentum: Inferring Arbitrage Activity from Return Correlations
The Review of Financial Studies, 35(7), 3272–3302
Research highlight
The Wall Street stampede: Exit as governance with interacting blockholders
Journal of Financial Economics, 144(2), 433-455
Research highlight
Public Procurement in Law and Practice
American Economic Review, 112 (4), 1091-1117
Research highlight
Extrapolative Bubbles and Trading Volume
The Review of Financial Studies, 35(4), 1682–1722
Research highlight
Clients' Connections Measuring the Role of Private Information in Decentralized Markets
Journal of Finance, 77(1), 505-544
Research highlight
Inflating Away the Public Debt? An Empirical Assessment
The Review of Financial Studies, 35 (3), 1553-1595
Research highlight
Measuring the ex-ante incentive effects of creditor control rights during bankruptcy reorganization
Journal of Financial Economics, 143 (1), 381-408
Research highlight
Exchange Rate Exposure and Firm Dynamics
The Review of Economic Studies, 89 (1), 481-514