Volatility of US Stock Prices
A number of recent papers have reported evidence that stock prices are more volatile than is consistent with efficient markets. We argue that the...
Intertemporal Substitution, Risk Aversion and the Euler Equation for Consumption: Evidence From Aggregate and Average Cohort Data
In this paper we investigate the empirical relevance of two theoretical issues concerning life cycle consumer optimizing behaviour: the possibility of...
Does the 1986 Insolvency Act Satisfy The Creditors' Bargain?
The creditors' bargain view of insolvency law argues that solvency state rights should be preserved in insolvency states. It argues that insolvency...
The Reorganisation of the London Stock Market: The Causes and Consequences of Big-Bang
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International Harmonization of the Regulation of Capital Markets. An Introduction
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Comments on recent developments and proposals concerning dealing practices in the UK equity market
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Meltdown Monday or Meltdown Money: Consequences of the Causes of a Stock Market Crash
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The Transactions Role of Financial Assets: a Survey
A critical survey of the literature examining the roles of various financial (and commodity) assets in the transactions process is undertaken. The...
Measuring the Cost of Capital When Taxes Are Changing with Foresight
The familiar Hall-Jorgenson (1967) approach to measuring the cost of capital considers a perturbation from the optimal path of the capital stock...