Asymmetric Information Risk Aversion and Capital Market Efficiency
The Arrow-Lind Theorem is generally interpreted as implying that risk-averse investors will reject some projects that the public sector is justified...
DP 44
Behavioural Aspects of the Demand for Dividend-Paying Stocks
The demand for dividend-paying stocks by individual investors remain an enigma to financial economists. Studies of asset prices have failed to resolve...
DP 43
Regulating Information Disclosure Among Stock Exchange Market Makers
The paper considers the effect of mandatory last trade reporting in a competitive dealership market in the presence of traders with superior...
DP 51
Callable Debt Contracts: Renegotiation and Contract Design with Ex Post Private Information
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DP 47
Asset Price Variability Under Assymetric Information
This paper examines the effect of a change in the percentage of informed participants in an asset market on the variability of prices. We consider...
DP 40
The Geographical Location of the Foreign Exchange Market; A Test of an 'Islands' Hypothesis
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DP 38
Estimating Tax Rates on Income From Capital in the UK From Official Statistics
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DP 28
Imperfect Annuities Markets with Asymmetric Information: Who Leaves Unplanned Bequests?
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DP 50