Bank Bailout Menus
Bailing out banks requires overcoming debt overhang as well as dealing with adverse selection with respect to the quality of banks’ balance sheets, in...
Trading and Voting in Distressed Firms
We investigate the effect of the ability of “non-traditional” funds to short-sell the equity of their debtors. This enables the funds to vote on the...
Trading Frenzies and Their Impact on Real Investment
We study a model where a capital provider learns from the price of a firm’s security in deciding how much capital to provide for new investment. This...
Micro Frictions, Asset Pricing, and Aggregate Implications
We use asset pricing insights to study importance of micro-level frictions for aggregate quantities. In our model, the relevant stochastic variable is...
Stock prices under pressure: How tax and interest rates drive returns at the turn of the tax year
We show that the level of interest rates determines the magnitude of mispricing at the turn of the tax year, as investors face the trade-off between...
Bond Market Clienteles, the Yield Curve and the Optimal Maturity Structure of Government Debt
We propose a clientele-based model of the yield curve and optimal maturity structure of government debt. Clienteles are generations of agents at...
Fund Flows and Asset Prices: A Baseline Model
We study flows between investment funds and their effects on asset prices in a simple twoperiod version of Vayanos and Woolley (2010, VW). As in VW...
An institutional theory of momentum and reversal
We propose a rational theory of momentum and reversal based on delegated portfolio management. Flows between investment funds are triggered by changes...
Balance Sheet Capacity and Endogenous Risk
Banks operating under Value-at-Risk constraints give rise to a well-defined aggregate balance sheet capacity for the banking sector as a whole that...
Boards of Banks
We show that country characteristics explain most of the cross-sectional variation in bank board independence. In contrast, country characteristics...
The changing role of central banks
Although Central Banks have pursued the same objectives throughout their existence, primarily price and financial stability, the interpretation of...
The Vote is Cast: The Effect of Corporate Governance on Shareholder Value
This paper estimates the effect of corporate governance provisions on shareholder value and long-term outcomes in S&P1500 firms. We apply a regression...
The Price Impact of Institutional Herding
In this paper we develop a simple theoretical model to analyze the impact of institutional herding on asset prices. A growing empirical literature has...