Academic journals
Supply and Demand and the Term Structure of Interest Rates
Annual Review of Financial Economics, 16, 115 - 151
Research highlight
Unbundling Quantitative Easing: Taking a Cue from Treasury Auctions
Journal of Political Economy, 132 (9), 3115-3172
Research highlight
The Gender Gap in Household Bargaining Power: A Revealed-Preference Approach
The Review of Financial Studies, hhae039
Latent fragility: Conditioning banks' joint probability of default on the financial cycle
Journal of International Money and Finance, 146, 103107
Research highlight
High-frequency trading in the stock market and the costs of options market making
Journal of Financial Economics, 159, 103900
Research highlight
A Theory of Socially Responsible Investment
The Review of Economic Studies, rdae048
The Systemic Governance Influence of Expectation Documents: Evidence from a Universal Owner
The Review of Corporate Finance Studies, cfae009
Research highlight
Scale or Yield? A Present-Value Identity
The Review of Financial Studies, 37(3), 950–988
Research highlight
Personality differences and investment decision-making
Journal of Financial Economics, 153, 103776