The Booms and Busts of Beta Arbitrage
Historically, low-beta stocks deliver high average returns and low risk relative to high-beta stocks, offering a potentially profitable investment...
Historically, low-beta stocks deliver high average returns and low risk relative to high-beta stocks, offering a potentially profitable investment...
In Part A of the present study, subtitled 'The Consumption Function as Solution of a Boundary Value Problem' Discussion Paper No. TE/96/297, STICERD...
Portfolios often trade at substantial discounts relative to the sum of their components (e.g., closed-end funds, conglomerates). We propose a simple...
We study the joint determination of fund managers’ contracts and equilibrium asset prices. Because of agency frictions, investors make managers’ fees...
We model banks’ liquidity holding decision as a simultaneous game on an interbank borrowing network. We show that at the Nash equilibrium, the...
We provide a theoretical framework to study blockholder activism by funds who compete for investor flow. In our model, activists are intrinsically...
We investigate how business ties with portfolio firms influence mutual funds’ proxy voting using a comprehensive dataset spanning 2003 to 2011. In...
We develop a dynamic model of liquidity provision, in which hedgers can trade multiple risky assets with arbitrageurs. We compute the equilibrium in...
We study the feedback from hedging mortgage portfolios on the level and volatility of interest rates. We incorporate the supply shocks resulting from...
We propose a novel measure of arbitrage activity to examine whether arbitrageurs can have a destabilizing effect in the stock market. We apply our...
This paper finds that fund herding, defined as the tendency of a mutual fund to follow past aggregate institutional trades, is an important predictor...
We explore a new mechanism through which investors take correlated shortcuts. Specifically, we exploit a regulatory provision governing firm...
The conventional view of market timing suggests an unambiguous, negative relation between equity misvaluation and the equity share in new issues—that...
In this paper we survey the theoretical and empirical literature on market liquidity. We organize both literatures around three basic questions: (a)...
We analyze how asymmetric information and imperfect competition affect liquidity and asset prices. Our model has three periods: agents are identical...
We study dynamic general equilibrium in one-tree and two-trees Lucas economies with one consumption good and two CRRA investors with heterogeneous...