The Federal Reserve as Global Lender of Last Resort, 2007-2010
Passage of the Dodd-Frank financial reform bill, in conjunction with a Supreme Court ruling supporting a Freedom of Information Act request, required...
Passage of the Dodd-Frank financial reform bill, in conjunction with a Supreme Court ruling supporting a Freedom of Information Act request, required...
The Financial Crisis that started in 2007 ushered in new responsibilities for central banks, particularly for what is termed “macro-prudential policy...
How have the politics of banking crises changed over the long run? Unlike existing static accounts, we offer a dynamic theory emphasizing how the...
How does the change in the creditworthiness of a financial institution or sovereign impact its creditors’ solvency? I address this question in the...
We document that cross-sectional FX correlation disparity is countercyclical, as exchange rate pairs with high average correlation become more...
We explore a subtle but important mechanism through which firms manipulate their information environments. We show that firms control information flow...
Historically, low-beta stocks deliver high average returns and low risk relative to high-beta stocks, offering a potentially profitable investment...
In Part A of the present study, subtitled 'The Consumption Function as Solution of a Boundary Value Problem' Discussion Paper No. TE/96/297, STICERD...
We develop a tractable model in which trade is generated by asymmetry in agents' information sets. We show that, even if news are not generated by a...
We study a dynamic general equilibrium model in which firms choose their investment level and their capital structure, trading off the tax advantages...
Portfolios often trade at substantial discounts relative to the sum of their components (e.g., closed-end funds, conglomerates). We propose a simple...
We offer a model of currency carry trades in which carry traders earn positive excess returns if they successfully coordinate on supplying excessive...
We study the joint determination of fund managers’ contracts and equilibrium asset prices. Because of agency frictions, investors make managers’ fees...
We investigate the determinants of firms’ implicit employment and wage insurance to employees against industry-level and idiosyncratic shocks. We rely...
We model banks’ liquidity holding decision as a simultaneous game on an interbank borrowing network. We show that at the Nash equilibrium, the...
The informativeness principle demonstrates qualitative benefits to increasing signal precision. However, it is difficult to quantify these benefits —...