Signed Option Trading and Stock Market Anomalies

Xiao Xiao (Bayes Business School)

Wide or Narrow? Competition and Scope in Financial Intermediation

Claudia Robles Garcia (Stanford)

Carbon Premium: Is It There?

Shaojun Zhang (The Ohio State University)

The Impact of a Higher Cost of Credit on Exporters: Evidence from a Change in Banking Regulation

Joao Monteiro (Kellogg, Northwestern)

Risk preferences implied by synthetic options

Ian Dew-Becker (Kellogg School of Management)

The Financial (In)Stability Real Interest Rate, R**

Gianluca Benigno (University of Lausanne and Federal Reserve Bank of New York)

Banking without Deposits: Evidence from Shadow Bank Call Reports

Gregor Matvos (Kellog Northwestern)

High-Dimensional Factor Models with an Application to Mutual Fund Characteristics

Martin Lettau (Berkeley)

Unmasking mutual fund derivative use

Pingle Wang (University of Texas at Dallas)