Banking without Deposits: Evidence from Shadow Bank Call Reports

Gregor Matvos (Kellog Northwestern)

High-Dimensional Factor Models with an Application to Mutual Fund Characteristics

Martin Lettau (Berkeley)

Unmasking mutual fund derivative use

Pingle Wang (University of Texas at Dallas)

Intermediation via Credit Chains

Zhiguo He (Booth School of Business, University of Chicago)

Speculator Spreading Pressure and the Commodity Futures Risk Premium

Arie Gozluklu (Warwick Business School)

Can the cure kill the patient? Corporate credit interventions and debt overhang

Nicolas Crouzet (Kellogg School of Management)

Hedge Funds and Financial Intermediaries

Valeri Sokolovski (HEC Montréal)

From Saving Comes Having? Disentangling the Impact of Saving on Wealth Inequality

Paolo Sodini (Stockholm School of Economics)

Optimal forest preservation over time and space in the Brazilian Amazon

José Scheinkman (Columbia)