Securities Lending as Wholesale Funding: Evidence from the U.S. Life Insurance Industry

Nathan Foley-Fisher

Leverage Dynamics, Agency Cost of Debt, and Capital Regulation

Anat Admati

The Political Economy of Bank Bail-Outs

Rainer Haselmann

The invisible hand of the government: Moral suasion during the sovereign debt crisis 

Neeltje van Horen

Foreign Exchange Markets with Last Look

Álvaro Cartea

Network Uncertainty and Interbank Markets

Matthew Pritsker

The Great Financial Plumbing

Karel Lannoo

Model Risk Cultures

Andreas Tsanakas

When Do Laws and Institutions Affect Recovery Rates on Collateral?

Hans Degryse

Markups, Productivity and the Financial Capability of Firms

Carlo Altomonte

Marking to Market versus Taking to Market

Guillaume Plantin

Insecure Debt

Enrico Perotti

Extreme Risk Dependence

Evarist Stoja

Unorthodox monetary policy, local fiscal policy, and loan pricing

Michael Koetter

The Euro Repo Interbank Market

Angelo Ranaldo

Fear, Anger and Credit: On Bank Robberies and Loan Conditions

Steven Ongena