Risk Landscape: Review 2021 & Preview 2022

This panel takes stock of the risk management challenges of 2021 and lessons learnt for the future.

Europe's Recovery Programs

The event highlights key features of the French, Greek and EU programs, while also focusing on policies to reduce inequality.

Bob Nobay Memorial Event

The event will include memorial speeches and personal reflexions both in-person and online.

3rd LSE Workshop on Political Economy of Turkey

The European Institute and the Systemic Risk Centre at the London School of Economics and Political Science are jointly organising a workshop on Polit...

2nd London Political Finance (POLFIN) Workshop

The SRC at the LSE and the Business School (formerly Cass) at the City, University of London are co-hosting a workshop on the theme of political...

13th Annual Paul Woolley Centre Conference

The Thirteenth Annual Conference was held at LSE on 3rd-4th June 2021 in collaboration with the BIS.

Macro-finance workshop 2021

The aim of this workshop is to invite academics and central bankers from all around the world to present the frontiers of research in macro-finance.

Tourism After COVID-19 - POSTPONED

The panel will discuss which measures are yielding results and what other measures may help businesses in the tourism sector.

Shaping Africa's Post-Covid Recovery

This meeting discusses a new eBook published by CEPR, edited by Rabah Arezki, Simeon Djankov and Ugo Panizza.

Rebooting UK Financial Regulation for a Post-Brexit World

This online conference was inspired by the Treasury’s consultation on its Financial Services Future Regulatory Framework Review.

Financial cycles, risk, macroeconomic causes and consequences

One-day conference on the effects of financial risk on uncertainty, business cycles, capital flows, and macroeconomy.

The financial markets' response to Covid-19 policy interventions

This conference focuses on the unprecedented economic and financial market government interventions and the policy initiatives they led to, and tries...

Risk Landscape: Review 2020 & Preview 2021

This panel takes stock of the risk management challenges of 2020 and lessons learnt for the future.

The Great Demographic Reversal

The last four decades have seen continuous disinflation, falling interest rates and rising (within-country) inequality. It is normal for most people...

Shaping the Post-COVID Recovery Response in Africa

The panel will review the paths different African economies are taking to bolster the economic recovery, including through entry into financial...

The Long Ascent: confronting the crisis and building a more resilient economy

Kristalina Georgieva will deliver the outlook for the global economy. In her speech ahead of the IMF-World Bank Annual Meetings, she will also outline...