Models and Crises: Do Financial Models Affect the Incidence and Severity of Financial Crises?

Speakers: Jon Danielsson (LSE), Robert Macrae (Arcus Investment), Jonathan Martin (Markham Rae), Mark Salmon (Cambridge), Wolf Wagner (Tilburg)

Money for Nothing - Film Show

A special screening of the exciting new documentary that takes audiences inside the world’s most powerful financial institution.

Panel Discussion: Challenges and Opportunities in Reforming Bank Culture

Organisers: Daniel Beunza (LSE), Nina Andreeva (University of Cambridge) and Jean-Pierre Zigrand (SRC, LSE)

Masterclass series: Prediction and investment strategies in markets prone to crashes and bubbles

Tutor: William T Ziemba, University of British Columbia, Vancouver

Masterclass series: Strategic network formation and the emergence of equilibrium network dynamics

Tutor: Frank Page, Professor of Economics at the University of Indiana

The Global Reform of Financial Regulation and Architecture: How to Balance Safety and Efficiency

Organisers: Ron Anderson, Malcolm Knight and Jean-Pierre Zigrand

Breakfast Briefing: The Future of Europe, the Euro and the Role of Monetary Policy

An informal discussion on the various challenges and possible solutions to the Euro crises.

Economic Networks and Banking Conference

Organisers: Christian Julliard and Kathy Yuan

6th Annual Paul Woolley Centre Conference

The Sixth Annual Conference took place at LSE on 6-7 June 2013.

Breakfast Briefing: European Banking Union

Whether European Banking Union proposals will be successful in reducing the level of systemic risk in the European financial system

Unintended Consequences of the New Financial Regulations

Speakers: Jon Danielsson (Director of the Systemic Risk Centre/FMG, LSE), Charles Goodhart (Systemic Risk Centre/ FMG, LSE)

The Future of Computer Trading in Financial Markets

Organisers: Charles Goodhart (FMG/SRC, LSE), Oliver Linton (University of Cambridge) and Jean-Pierre Zigrand (SRC/FMG, LSE)

Roundtable and Reception

Researchers with an interest in systemic risk were invited to participate in a roundtable discussion, held under the Chatham House Rule. 

Public Lecture: What I learned by Doing Capitalism

Speakers: William Janeway, Dimitri Vayanos and Craig Calhoun

5th Annual Paul Woolley Centre Conference

The Fifth Annual Conference was held at the LSE on 7-8 June 2012.

4th Annual Paul Woolley Centre Conference

The Fourth Annual Conference was held at the LSE from 9-10 June 2011.