Southern European and emerging market firms are under severe distress
With lockdown measures in place almost worldwide now, cash-flow represents a significant concern for firms across multiple sectors. It remains to be...
A Restart Procedure to Deal with Covid-19
Governments around the world are assisting firms to deal with the adverse effects of Covid-19. Most forms of government assistance provided so far...
Survival of firms in developing economies during economic crisis
With lockdown measures in place worldwide, cash-flow represents a significant concern for firms across multiple sectors. This chapter estimates the...
Europe's pandemic price tag to keep firms afloat
Simeon Djankov's testimony before the members of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON) of the European Parliament.
The effects of recessionary stimulus programmes: New evidence from the UK’s Enterprise Finance Guarantee scheme
Loan guarantees to small businesses are emerging as a main policy response during the COVID-19 crisis. Using evidence from the UK’s Enterprise Finance...
How long can firms survive in the Covid-19 crisis?
Median survival time ranges from 8 to 19 weeks across 12 countries. Worryingly, this is not correlated with firm size, age or productivity, which...
It’s time for a recovery plan
With businesses fast running out of cash, governments need to roll out a loan program that builds on the recently-created job retention scheme, write...
How to restart the economy after Covid-19
Governments can do two things to keep businesses afloat: temporarily suspend bankruptcy procedures, and design a post-crisis restart process, write...
The Effects of Small-Firm Loan Guarantees in the UK: Insights for the COVID-19 Pandemic Crisis
Loan guarantees are popular policy responses during the COVID-19 crisis. Despite their prevalence, evidence of their effectiveness is sparse. We...
Future imperfect after coronavirus
The authorities, like most of the rest of us, have been caught short by the sudden advent of the coronavirus pandemic, and are rightly rushing to...
The Post-communist Transition at 30
In the 30 years since the fall of communism, the countries of the former Soviet bloc and Yugoslavia have undergone tremendous change. Income per...
Information Dispersion Across Employees and Stock Returns
Rank-and-file employees are becoming increasingly critical for many firms, yet we know little about how their employment dynamics matter for stock...
Exchanges of innovation resources inside venture capital portfolios
Journal of Financial Economics, 135 (1), 144-168
Strategic news releases in equity vesting months
The Review of Financial Studies, 31 (11), 4099-4141
Firing the wrong workers: Financing constraints and labor misallocation
Journal of Financial Economics, 133 (3), 589-607