Ties that Bind: How business connections affect mutual fund activism
We investigate how business ties with portfolio firms influence mutual funds’ proxy voting using a comprehensive dataset spanning 2003 to 2011. In...
A resolvable bank
Making banks resolvable is a key component of the regulatory reform programme enacted in response to the crisis. A resolvable bank is one that is...
Competition and Credit Control
The Bank of England’s ‘consultative document’ on Competition and Credit Control was published on May 14th, 1971. It was a landmark occasion...
Diversification and Financial Stability
This paper contributes to a growing literature on the pitfalls of diversification by shedding light on a new mechanism under which, full risk...
Walrasian foundations for equilibria in segmented markets
Mathematics and Financial Economics, Volume 8, pages 249–264.
Value of information in competitive economies with incomplete markets
International Economic Review, 55(1), 57-81.
CEO Job Security and Risk-Taking
We use the length of employment contracts to estimate CEO turnover probability and its effects on risk-taking. Protection against dismissal should...
Product Market Competition and Industry Returns
This paper shows that product market competition has two opposing effects on asset returns. The first relates to the procyclical nature of the value...
Liquidity Risk and the Dynamics of Arbitrage Capital
We develop a dynamic model of liquidity provision, in which hedgers can trade multiple risky assets with arbitrageurs. We compute the equilibrium in...
The ECB as Lender of Last Resort: Banks versus Governments
With the OMT program the ECB has de facto taken over the role as a lender of last resort (LoLR) for euro area governments. While this has been...
A Proposal for an Open-Source Financial Risk Model
This paper presents a policy proposal for building a new framework for gathering, measuring and disclosing financial risk information in the global...
Systems and Systemic Risk in Finance and Economics
This paper examines the concept of systemic risk and provides an intuitive account of the economic thought on systems and the development of the...
Risk Models-at-Risk
The experience from the global financial crisis has raised serious concerns about the accuracy of standard risk measures as tools for the...
Dynamic equilibrium with two stocks, heterogeneous investors, and portfolio constraints
Review of Financial Studies, 26 (12). pp. 3104-3141.
Rights offerings, trading, and regulation: A global perspective
We study rights offerings using a sample of 8,238 rights offers announced during 1995-2008 in 69 countries. Although shareholders prefer having the...