Research highlights
Influential research by members of the Financial Markets Group has been published in some of the most recognised international journals in Economics and Finance, such as the American Economic Review, Econometrica, the Journal of Finance, the Journal of Financial Economics, the Journal of Political Economy, the Quarterly Journal of Economics, the Review of Economic Studies, and the Review of Financial Studies. A sample of recent papers is below.
Research highlight
Informational Black Holes in Financial Markets
Journal of Finance, 78 (6), 3099-3140
Research highlight
Corporate Capture of Blockchain Governance
Review of Financial Studies, 36 (4), 1364–1407
Research highlight
Asset Management Contracts and Equilibrium Prices
Journal of Political Economy, 130(12), 3146-3201
Research highlight
Measuring the welfare cost of asymmetric information in consumer credit markets
Journal of Financial Economics, 146 (3), 821-840
Research highlight
Heterogeneous Global Booms and Busts
American Economic Review, 112 (7), 2178-2212
Research highlight
Central Bank Swap Lines: Evidence on the Lender of Last Resort
The Review of Economic Studies, 89(4), 1654–1693
Research highlight
Market efficiency in the age of big data
Journal of Financial Economics, 145(1), 154-177
Research highlight
Public Procurement in Law and Practice
American Economic Review, 112 (4), 1091-1117
Research highlight
Exchange Rate Exposure and Firm Dynamics
The Review of Economic Studies, 89 (1), 481-514
All publications
Cultural Stereotypes of Multinational Banks
Financial markets, even more than other markets, run on trust. This column uses hand-collected data on banks’ investments in European sovereign debt...
The economic toll of attacks on Ukraine’s power grid
Electricity blackouts caused by Russian rocket attacks on the power grid have become a daily occurrence in Ukraine. This column estimates the economic...
The Impact of Risk Cycles on Business Cycles: A Historical View
The Review of Financial Studies, 36(7), 2922–2961
Flat tax reform in Ukraine: Lessons from Bulgaria
Developing a tax system which limits tax evasion is a key challenge for many emerging markets. This column argues that introducing a flat tax as a...
Bayesian Solutions for the Factor Zoo: We Just Ran Two Quadrillion Models
Journal of Finance, 78 (1), 487-557
A fixed point theorem for measurable selection valued correspondences induced by upper Caratheodory correspondences
Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications, 25, 2
Research highlight
Asset Management Contracts and Equilibrium Prices
Journal of Political Economy, 130(12), 3146-3201
Financial transaction taxes and the informational efficiency of financial markets: A structural estimation
Journal of Financial Economics 146(3), 1044-1072
Research highlight
Measuring the welfare cost of asymmetric information in consumer credit markets
Journal of Financial Economics, 146 (3), 821-840
The beginning of the end for cryptocurrencies
Cryptocurrencies have enjoyed a remarkable run from obscurity to a trillion dollar valuation in just over a decade. This column argues, however, that...
Cultural Stereotypes of Multinational Banks
Using hand-collected data spanning more than a decade on European banks’ sovereign debt portfolios, we show that the trust of residents of a bank’s...
Ukraine’s wages and job loss trends during the war
Many statistical reports in Ukraine have been suspended since the start of Russia’s invasion, including on labour markets. This column uses wage...
ASC Insight: Bank capital regulation and climate change
Climate change has become a major topic of discussion at central banks and financial regulators. Key aspects of this debate include whether and how...
The illusion of control
Global macroprudential and microprudential regulatory changes since 2008 have been designed to make a repeat of a systemic crisis much less likely...
Giant funds and market mispricing
The short-termism of corporate managers has been a recurring concern of policymakers for decades due to the close tie with mispricing in capital...
Layered Networks, Equilibrium Dynamics, and Stable Coalitions
Dynamic Games and Applications, 13, 636–668