Firms’ Transition to Green: Innovation versus Lobbying
Competitive challenges and regulatory uncertainty associated with the green transition should incentivize firms to innovate and to sway regulatory...
Does Herding Behavior Reveal Skill? An Analysis of Mutual Fund Performance
Journal of Finance, 73 (5), 2229-2269.
Does herding behavior reveal skill? An analysis of mutual fund performance
This paper finds that fund herding, defined as the tendency of a mutual fund to follow past aggregate institutional trades, is an important predictor...
Institutional trade persistence and long-term equity returns
The Journal of Finance, 66 (2). pp. 635-653.
The Price Impact of Institutional Herding
In this paper we develop a simple theoretical model to analyze the impact of institutional herding on asset prices. A growing empirical literature has...
Institutional Trade Persistence and Long-term Equity Returns
Recent studies show that single-quarter institutional herding positively predicts short-term returns. Motivated by the theoretical herding literature...
The Price Impact of Institutional Herding
In this paper we develop a simple theoretical model to analyze the impact of institutional herding on asset prices. A growing empirical literature has...
Does beta move with news? Systematic risk and firm-specific information flows
This paper shows that the systematic risk (or "beta") of individual stocks increases by an economically and statistically significant amount on days...