Centralized vs Decentralized Markets: The Role of Connectivity
We consider a setting in which privately informed agents are located in a network and trade a risky asset with other agents with whom they are...
Information, Market Power and Welfare
We study a financial market in which agents with interdependent values bid for a risky asset. Some agents are privately informed of their own value...
Market Fragmentation and Contagion
We study the transmission of liquidity shocks from one sector of the economy to other sectors in a general equilibrium model with multiple trading...
Information Acquisition with Heterogeneous Valuations
We study the market for a risky asset with heterogeneous valuations. Agents seek to learn about their own valuation by acquiring private information...
Information acquisition, price informativeness, and welfare
Journal of Economic Theory, Volume 177, Pages 558-593.
Information Acquisition, Price Informativeness and Welfare
We consider the market for a risky asset with heterogeneous valuations. Private information that agents have about their own valuation is reflected in...
Walrasian foundations for equilibria in segmented markets
Mathematics and Financial Economics, Volume 8, pages 249–264.
Value of information in competitive economies with incomplete markets
International Economic Review, 55(1), 57-81.
Walrasian Foundations for Equilibria in Segmented Markets
We study an economy with segmented financial markets and strategic arbitrageurs who link these markets. We show that the equilibrium of the arbitraged...
Market Quality and Contagion in Fragmented Markets
Financial market liquidity has become increasingly fragmented across multiple trading platforms. We propose an intuitive welfare-based market quality...
Value of Information in Competitive Economies with Incomplete Markets
We study the value of information in a competitive economy in which agents trade in asset markets to reallocate risk. We characterize the kinds of...
Endogenous Liquidity and Contagion
Market liquidity is typically characterized by a number of ad hoc metrics, such as depth, volume, bid-ask spreads etc. No general coherent definition...
Strategic financial innovation in segmented markets
We study a model with restricted investor participation in which strategic arbitrageurs reap profits by exploiting mispricings across different market...
Value of information in competitive economies with incomplete markets
A substantial literature addresses the negative effect on welfare of the release of information in a competitive market economy. We show that the...