Delegated Blocks
Will asset managers with large amounts of capital and high risk-bearing capacity hold large blocks and monitor aggressively? Both block size and...
Delegation Chains
We ask why we observe multiple layers of decision-making in fund management with investors, sponsors, fund managers, and consultants, even if...
Bond Funds and Credit Risk
We show that supply-side effects arising from the bond holdings of open-end mutual funds affect corporate credit risk. In our model, funds exposed to...
Research highlight
The Wall Street stampede: Exit as governance with interacting blockholders
Journal of Financial Economics, 144(2), 433-455
The Wall Street Stampede: Exit as Governance with Interacting Blockholders
The growth of the asset management industry has made it commonplace for firms to have multiple institutional blockholders. In such firms, the strength...
Ties that Bind: How Business Connections Affect Mutual Fund Activism
Journal of Finance, 71(6), 2933-2966.
Activist Funds, Leverage, and Procyclicality
We develop a dual-layered agency model to study blockholder monitoring by activist funds that compete for investor flow. Competition for flow affects...
Wolf Pack Activism
It is alleged that activist hedge funds congregate around a common target, with one acting as the "lead" activist and others as peripheral activists...
Activist Funds, Leverage, and Procyclicality
We provide a theoretical framework to study blockholder activism by funds who compete for investor flow. In our model, activists are intrinsically...
Ties that Bind: How business connections affect mutual fund activism
We investigate how business ties with portfolio firms influence mutual funds’ proxy voting using a comprehensive dataset spanning 2003 to 2011. In...
The Wall Street Walk when Blockholders Compete for Flows
An important recent theoretical literature argues that the threat of exit can represent an effective form of governance when the blockholder is a...
Delegated Activism and Disclosure
Mutual funds hold large blocks of shares in many major corporations. Practitioners and regulators alike have been concerned that mutual funds use...
Institutional trade persistence and long-term equity returns
The Journal of Finance, 66 (2). pp. 635-653.