CDS Auctions

We analyze credit default swap settlement auctions theoretically and evaluate them empirically. In our theoretical analysis, we show that the current...

DP 688

Repo Runs

This paper develops a dynamic model of financial institutions that borrow short-term and invest into long-term marketable assets. Because such...

DP 687

Liquidity Hoarding

Banks hold liquid and illiquid assets. An illiquid bank that receives a liquidity shock sells assets to liquid banks in exchange for cash. We...

DP 682

Complicated Firms

We exploit a novel setting in which the same piece of information affects two sets of firms: one set of firms requires straightforward processing to...

DP 683

Short Run Bond Risk Premia

In the short-run, bond risk premia exhibit pronounced spikes around major economic and financial crises. In contrast, long-term bond risk premia...

DP 686