The letters REFORM in between the pages of a red notebook

Date: 21st March 2025   Time: 8.30am-1.30pm
Venue: Lecture Theatre MAR.1.04, 1st floor, The Marshall Building, LSE (map)
Speakers: Tim Besley (LSE), Andrei Shleifer (Harvard University)
Organiser: Simeon Djankov (FMG, LSE)

The mini-conference aims to advance the research in the area of institutional design that is conducive to improvements in the ways that regulation on business activity works in countries around the world. The papers present new empirical evidence that can inform the theory of this institutional design, including the interplay between the nature of political systems and the ability to advance positive change. The authors are well-known authorities in public economics.

This event is made possible through the support of grant #62616 from the John Templeton Foundation.


Registration and coffee

Introductory remarks

Simeon Djankov, Co-Director for Policy (FMG, LSE)


Who Reforms Regulations and How - Andrei Shleifer (Harvard University)

Discussant: Noam Yuchtman (Oxford University) 


Coffee break

Justices of the Peace: Legal Foundations of the Industrial Revolution - Tim Besley (LSE) (Slides)

Discussant: Michael Callen (LSE) (Slides)



Concluding comments

Light lunch


This in-person only conference is free and open to all, but pre-registration is required. 

Thank you for your interest, this event is now full.

On average, 40-60% of people who register for an event do not turn up. Registering and not attending prevents others from signing up, uses up resources and leads to waste. If you have signed up and are now unable to attend, please let us know as soon you can.


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