Systemic Risk Centre Event
Event date: 3rd November 2023 Time: 09:30 to 17:30 GMT
Venue: The Conference Room, 1.06, 1st floor, Marshall Building, LSE (map)
Speakers: Jason Donaldson (USC Marshall School of Business), Andrea Galeotti (London Business School), Chris Greiner (London School of Economics), Guillermo Ordoñez (University of Pennsylvania), Bruno Pellegrino (UMD/Columbia Business School) and Santosh Venkatesh (University of Pennsylvania)
Organisers: Christian Julliard (LSE Finance and SRC/FMG), Frank Page (Indiana University and SRC/LSE) and Kathy Yuan (LSE Finance and SRC/FMG)
Following the success of previous editions of this event, the Economics Networks and Finance Conference brings together academics, policy-makers and practitioners working in the area of banking and network analysis, to stimulate the academic discourse on the generation of aggregate risk through network interactions.
Event hashtag: #LSESRCNetworks
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Programme: click here
Interbank Networks in the Shadows of the Federal Reserve Act
Presented by: Guillermo L. Ordoñez (slides)
Discussion: Ye Li (slides)
Entrepreneurship peer effects
Presented by: Andrea Galeotti (slides)
Discussion: Markus Mobius (slides)
The network drivers of dominant currency
Presented by: Chris Greiner (slides)
Discussion: Jamie Coen (slides)
Systemic Risk in Financial Networks Revisited: the role of maturity
Presented by: Jason Donaldson (slides)
Discussion: Peter Kondor (slides)
Product Differentiation and Oligopoly: A Network Approach
Presented by: Bruno Pellegrino (slides)
Contagion and Equilibria in Diversified Financial Networks
Presented by: Santosh Venkatesh (slides)
Discussion: Georgy Chabakauri (slides)