Time: 18.30 - 20.00    Venue: Old Theatre, LSE (map)
Chair: Lutfey Siddiqi (Visiting Professor-in-Practice, LSE Centre for International Studies)
Panellists: Ken Benoit (Department of Methodology, LSE), Jon Danielsson (SRC, LSE) and Eva Micheler (LSE Law)

With Artificial Intelligence overtaking human intelligence at driving cars and outplaying it at games, is the financial system next? Will AI stabilise or destabilise the financial system? Might AI even cause a systemic financial crisis? 

Other resources: Photo album, Podcast

Lutfey Siddiqi
Panel of SRC event AI & systemic risk, from left to right Lutfey Siddiqi, Eva Micheler, Ken Benoit, Jon Danielsson
Eva Micheler speaking from lectern at SRC event on AI and systemic risk
Audience at SRC event on AI and systemic risk

Ken Benoit is Professor of Quantitative Social Research Methods and Head of the Department of Methodology. He is also the current Director of the Social and Economic Data Science (SEDS) Research Unit.

Jon Danielsson is Co-Director of the Systemic Risk Centre and Associate Professor of Finance at LSE.

Eva Micheler is Co-investigator of the Systemic Risk Centre and Associate Professor in Law at LSE Law.

Lutfey Siddiqi is Visiting Professor-in-Practice, LSE CIS and Scientific Advisory Board member, SRC.

Twitter hashtag for this event: #LSEAI
The event was co-hosted by the Systemic Risk Centre, LSE and Centre for Blockchain Technologies, UCL.

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