The FMG would like to extend warm congratulations to Hyun Song Shin for his election as one of the 2024 Foreign Honorary Members of the American Economic Association (AEA).
The honour is awarded for outstanding contribution to economics research to non-US economists of distinction. Joint recipients of the 2024 award are: Michihiro Kandori of the University of Tokyo, Jean-Charles Rochet of the Toulouse School of Economics, and Silvana Tenreyro of the London School of Economics.
Hyun Song Shin is Economic Adviser and Head of the Monetary and Economic Department of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS). Before joining the BIS in 2014, Hyun held academic appointments at Princeton University, Oxford University and the London School of Economics. He is an intellectual leader in the fields of banking, international finance and monetary economics, topics on which he has published widely, both in leading academic and official publications.