The impact of technology on cash usage
“Cash is dirty ... Cash is heavy ... Cash is inequitable ... Cash is quaint, technologically speaking ... Cash is expensive ... Cash is obsolete.”...
The Organisational Structure of Banking Supervision
In this paper I try to address the question of whether, and why, it matters whether banking supervision is undertaken in-house in the Central Bank or...
A Simple Model of an International Lender of Last Resort
This paper develops a simple model of an international lender of last resort (ILOLR). The World economy consists of many open economies, each with its...
Recent Developments in Central Banking: Some Special Features of the Monetary Policy Committee and of the European System of Central Banks
Presented in the Monnet Lecture at University College, Dublin on 14th October 1999.
A Model of the Lender of Last Resort
A paper by Charles Goodhart of LSE FMG and Haizhou Huang of the International Monetary Fund.
The Effects of Macroeconomic 'News' on High Frequency Exchange Rate Behaviour
This papers studies the high frequency reaction of the DEM/USD exchange rate to publicly announced macroeconomic information emanating from Germany...
Optimal Monetary Policy Rules in a Rational Expectations Model of the Phillips Curve
In this paper we construct a rational expectations model based on a Phillips curve that embodies persistence in inflation. As we assume that the...