2nd London Political Finance (POLFIN) Workshop

Date: 24-25th June 2021, via Zoom
Time: Day 1: 14.50 - 19.00, Day 2: 14.00 - 19.10 BST (GMT+1)

Thorsten Beck (City), Orkun Saka (Sussex & SRC) & Paolo Volpin (City)
Programme: Click here

The Systemic Risk Centre at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) and the Business School (formerly Cass) at the City, University of London are jointly organising a workshop on the theme of political finance. Papers from last year’s inaugural workshop have ended up being published in top journals such as Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial Economics and Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis.

There will be a dedicated discussant for each paper, as well as open floor discussion.

The workshop features a keynote speech by Professor Renée B. Adams (Oxford) on "Gatekeepers: Real and Imagined".

Presentations available for download

*presenting author

Power, Scrutiny, and Congressmen's Favouritism for Friends' Firms - SlidesPaper
Quoc-Anh Do (Northwestern), Yen-Teik Lee (NUS), Bang D. Nguyen (Cambridge) & Kieu-Trang Nguyen (Northwestern)*

Discussion: Lauren H. Cohen (Harvard)

Politicizing Anti-bribery Enforcement - Slides & Paper
Lauren H. Cohen (Harvard) & Bo Li (Tsinghua)*

Discussion: Randall S. Kroszner (Chicago)

Does Political Partisanship Cross Borders? Evidence from International Capital Flows
Elisabeth Kempf (Chicago), Mancy Luo (Erasmus), Larissa Schäfer (Frankfurt)* & Margarita Tsoutsoura (Cornell)

Discussion: Mariassunta Giannetti (Stockholm)

Private Credit under Political Influence: Evidence from France - Slides & Paper
Anne-Laure Delatte (CNRS), Adrien Matray (Princeton) & Noemie Pinardon-Touati (HEC Paris)*

Discussion: Pat Akey (Toronto)

Political Polarization in Financial News - Slides & Paper
Eitan Goldman (Indiana), Nandini Gupta (Indiana) & Ryan Israelsen (Michigan State)*

Discussion: Ruben Durante (Pompeu Fabra)

The Political Polarization of U.S. Firms - Slides & Paper
Vyacheslav Fos (Boston College), Elisabeth Kempf (Chicago)* & Margarita Tsoutsoura (Cornell)

Discussion: John Matsusaka (USC Marshall)

Disclosure in Democracy
Matthew Denes (Carnegie Mellon)*, Madeline Scanlon (Pittsburgh) & Florian Schulz (Washington)

Discussion: Luigi Zingales (Chicago)

Smokestacks and the Swamp
Emilio Bisetti (HKUST), Stefan Lewellen (Penn State)*, Arkodipta Sarkar (HKUST) & Xiao Zhao (HKUST)

Discussion: Efraim Benmelech (Northwestern)

Scientific Committee:
Anat Admati (Stanford)
Thorsten Beck (City)
Matilde Bombardini (UC Berkeley)
Jeffrey Chwieroth (LSE)
Shawn Cole (Harvard)
Jon Danielsson (LSE)
Ralph De Haas (EBRD)
Serdar Dinc (Rutgers)
Barry Eichengreen (UC Berkeley)
Paola Giuliano (UCLA)
Sergei Guriev (Sciences Po)
Simon Johnson (MIT)
Elisabeth Kempf (Chicago)
Orkun Saka (Sussex)
Kelly Shue (Yale)
Dimitri Vayanos (LSE)
Paolo Volpin (City)
Luigi Zingales (Chicago)